Welcome to the kingdom expression
ministry worldwide
Kingdom Expression Centre as a church is a training centre. Anytime the church comes together we afford God the opportunity to build our capacity both as individuals and as a corporate body to effectively represent Christ on the Earth. Believers are fed with a spiritual diet that so alters and expands their thinking; birthing a sense of destiny that results in their relevance and significance in the earth. At Kingdom expression we are committed to … raising rulers…subduing the earth!
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Rulers Service
Not all kings are ruling. And not all ruling are king. At Kingdom Expression, we train kings to rule. Rulers Service is one of our training platform to empower and deploy disciples as kings to their assigned spaces to rule and subdue for God.
Transformation is becoming Christlike in thought, word and deed.The very person that God has ordained you to be in all aspects of your life. The only thing you take away from the earth is who you became while on earth. Your transformation is at the heart of the advancement of the kingdom of God on earth. Transformation school, therefore, is an intervention to facilitate your personal transformation to function as a son of God on earth.

Transformation is becoming Christlike in thought, word and deed.The very person that God has ordained you to be in all aspects of your life. The only thing you take away from the earth is who you became while on earth. Your transformation is at the heart of the advancement of the kingdom of God on earth. Transformation school, therefore, is an intervention to facilitate your personal transformation to function as a son of God on earth.

Prayer is necessary for living out God’s divine ordination for you [Luke 18:1]. Your prayer life is a statement of your dependency on God.
Pneumatikos is a prayer service where we get to acquaint ourselves more, with things pertaining to the Spirit.
Featured Articles
Obeying God’s Vision for you; it costs, it pays, it’s fulfilling
In previous articles, I have emphasized the need to prioritise...
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