Obeying God’s Vision for you; it costs, it pays, it’s fulfilling

In previous articles, I have emphasized the need to prioritise the Kingdom of God and the necessity of becoming Kingdom personalities through fellowship with the Holy Spirit. As men and women who are interested in expanding the influence of the kingdom of God on earth, we need to align with God’s vision for our lives. Let us consider the account of Paul in the book of Acts, when he was brought before King Agrippa and Festus to speak for himself. I trust that this insight will fuel you to pursue and execute the vision God has given you on earth.

There is a Heavenly vision for you

Acts 26:19 KJV

‘Whereupon, O king Agrippa, I was not disobedient unto the heavenly vision…’

What if you never catch the heavenly vision of God for your life? Whatever you will accumulate in life will not matter, especially if you do not live out the purpose for which you are on the earth. Taking delivery of the emphasis of God for your life in His kingdom is critical to functioning in alignment with God. What does God want you to accomplish on earth? Regardless of the technological advancement in the world today, there is no software or application that can help you access your purpose on the earth than the ancient path of seeking God and spending time fellowshipping in His presence. You must press into God to take delivery of your purpose and become obedient to it.

Obeying the heavenly Vision Introduces contradictions in your life

Acts 26: 21 KJV

For these causes the Jews caught me in the temple, and went about to kill me.

Paul gave up everything to unswervingly pursue the heavenly vision. He had giving up his mind, thoughts and will for God’s will and purpose. His life was regulated by what Jesus had told him in a vision. Regardless of this relentless pursuit of the vision God had given him, the Jews in the temple seized him and were poised to kill him. Sometimes you may feel trapped by situations in your pursuit of the heavenly vision. I want you to imagine Paul’s mentality when he was caught for what he believed.

There is such a life, whereby what you believe becomes your problem. Though the Word declares you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free. You deal with the challenges that will war against your quest to fulfil your heavenly vision from freedom.  You may be walking on foot or go hungry for a while just because you have chosen to pursue a heavenly vision. They caught Paul, not to enthrone him, but to kill him. He had heard from Jesus and had turned toward God. His aspirations, zeal, focus, orientation and everything about him had shifted toward the path of the kingdom, but they caught him to kill him.

Losing control to gain control

Prioritising the kingdom means you are losing control. Are you willing to lose control or you would want to be in charge? You need to lose control to be in charge. Looking at his credentials, Paul was hailed prior to his conversion. Concerning himself he said, “…of the stock of Israel, of the tribe of Benjamin, an Hebrew of the Hebrews; as touching the law, a Pharisee…touching the righteousness which is in the law, blameless.” He continued, “…for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but dung, that I may win Christ.” He lost everything in order to be admitted into the Lordship and dominion of Christ Jesus. Nevertheless, there was an attempt on his life. For making the kingdom of God a priority and spending time with Jesus, they took counsel to kill him. It is in such situations that factors of anxiety become activated. This is when it appears like you are no longer in control and your fate seems to be determined by those who have caught you; where you don’t know whether you will survive or not. Regardless of what you might be going through, the energy of God is available to cause you to emerge from any turmoil unscathed.

The help of God

Acts 26: 22 KJV

‘Having therefore obtained help of God, I continue unto this day…’

Irrespective of the quagmire you may be entangled in, there is help for you. Paul should have died, considering his circumstances but he declared unapologetically, “…I continue to this day…” The help of God overrides any ploy or scheme aimed at debilitating your pursuit of the heavenly vision. There are many things you have survived, which you wouldn’t have but for the help of God; you have continued to this day! Dire situations have crossed your path and more await you, but if you will embrace the word of God, you will continue and remain through them all. Men and women of the kingdom are survivors and overcomers. When you embrace the kingdom of God, you lose control and God takes control. Jesus becomes the Lord of your life. What this means is that, he becomes your owner. When he becomes your owner you are no longer in charge, and yet that is how you take charge and dominate life’s circumstances; living in and from the lordship and dominion of Christ. You will not end now, you will not be stopped, your life will not fizzle out you will continue even when others think you cannot continue. The path of Jesus Christ is a path for victors and conquerors. You will not die but live to declare, “I continue unto this day.”

Be encouraged

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