Kingdom Expression for Kingdom Expansion
God’s will is for all of his children to become the expression of His kingdom on the earth until the whole earth is totally governed by the kingdom of God. God is a Spirit but in you, He has a…
God’s will is for all of his children to become the expression of His kingdom on the earth until the whole earth is totally governed by the kingdom of God. God is a Spirit but in you, He has a…
What do you want out of life? This is one of the most important questions you could ever ask yourself. Very few people know what they really want out of life. Anybody doing anything worthwhile in society has a clear…
When you differ the variables in an equation you change the outcome. H2O is water but if you double the oxygen it becomes hydrogen peroxide which does not quench thirst. Read on, to discover the recipe for success. 10 %…
The non-negotiable place of productive work in the success equation cannot be overemphasized. There is no future for a lazy man. Laziness is not inactivity. Laziness is cerebral stupor that results in wrong judgment. There are a lot of working…
To refresh your memory on what I said last week about what really constitutes value addition, I will restate the two essential ingredients that make you more valuable. Get knowledge You need to do the hard work of gathering relevant…
It is not unusual these days to interact with people who have accepted as their fate, the fact that they are consumers, and nothing more. The harsh reality is; consumers don’t have a future. The priceless virtue of contribution as…
Many people live their entire lives accumulating wealth or property with the sole purpose of leaving them for their offspring or authorised beneficiaries. Very few people work hard on leaving a matching or corresponding plan for which the resources were…
In life, it is not what you earn that counts but what you learn. People who truly learn earn more than those who don’t. And I am not restricting learning to the narrow perspective of formal education. The proof that…
Resources do not guarantee success. Therefore, the lack of resources should not guarantee failure. People fail not because they lack resources but because they are not resourceful. Resource minded people abound but it is resourceful people who are a rare…
Self-deception, I think, is the acutest form of deception. The good news is, meditation is a potent cure for self-deception. You cannot be deceived until you forget the Word. And you cannot forget the Word if you meditate the Word.…