Reflect God
Why did God make man in His image? Man was made in the image of God for the sole purpose of reflecting God in the Earth. Until you become a reflection of God in the Earth, you have not tapped…
Why did God make man in His image? Man was made in the image of God for the sole purpose of reflecting God in the Earth. Until you become a reflection of God in the Earth, you have not tapped…
The truth is that from the stand point of God He cannot be bigger than He already is. However, from our view we sometimes limit and underestimate the wisdom and power of God. And in this article I want to…
I am bringing you part two of what I shared with you last week. Please take time out to really digest the truth I am sharing with you in this two-part teaching. Waiting on God to Know Him is the…
Last week we looked at two aspects of Apostle Paul’s ministry to the Gentiles, according to Acts 26:17-18: the opening of their eyes and turning them from darkness to light. This week we conclude the article by looking at the…
The thrust of Paul’s ministry was the opening of man’s spiritual eyes to see what God had done in Christ for man’s total salvation. After his undeniable encounter he was commissioned by the Lord Jesus to go open the eyes…
Every believer starts from the resurrection of Jesus Christ. And the resurrection is Christ’s victory over sin, death, disease, poverty and the world. Therefore the believer begins from the victory of Christ: with this consciousness, we approach life as victors.…
Since God answers prayer, it presupposes that questions or enquiries are an integral part of prayers. I want you to take a fresh look at prayer. The truth is when we deal with God in prayer, not only do we…
The year 2015 is new in the chronological sense, but may not necessarily uncover new dimensions of your life. For the New Year to convey novel manifestations of your glorious spiritual and mental capacities, you must be willing to put in…
Last week I ended by saying that things are not always as they seem, and that is why how you see is critical to your outcome in life. This truth should change your views about life and about yourself. You are not…
Praying in the Spirit in unknown tongues has been grossly underestimated by many believers. However, as the wisdom of the world continues to fail in dealing with the challenges of life, we need to engage this supernatural language more, since…