Category Rulers World Newsletter

Weekly Newsletter to Subscribers

Do not be Afraid; only Believe!

It is by faith that we subdue contrary circumstances. However, whenever you engage faith it may seem that the situation you want to tame may be going from bad to worse. Your faith will always be tested, and usually fear…

Faith makes Right

This week I bring you faith evidence with which you can make right anything that is wrong in your body. If you will go to work with the faith evidence I am going to show you in the Word any…

Born Again to do the Impossible

Most of us are familiar with the popular account of the conversation between Jesus and Nicodemus. Nicodemus came to Jesus one night to probe into the secrets of the miracles that Jesus was doing. The secret Jesus revealed to Nicodemus…

Living Life from the Spirit

Oftentimes, believers are cautious about sounding too spiritual for fear that they will be seen as not being ‘real’, or practical, and subsequently ridiculed. But the truth is that spiritual things are more real than physical things. The Bible says…

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